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- Term 4
- What have we been doing this week?
- WB 20.03.23
WB 20.03.23
What a fantastically fun week we have had in year 3/4! We have started an instruction writing unit in English. In Maths, we have been finishing up the end of our units. We all thoroughly enjoyed our great outdoor learning day. The children completed a range of activities. We made nests, discussed Spring, played fun prey and predator games, created impressive dens, went on a scavenger hunt and even produced beautiful natural art pieces - take a look on our class pages to see! These were just some of our highlights, but the list goes on! Thankfully, the weather held up for us, which we were very grateful for! We have also been working hard to refine our production and can’t wait to see you next week during either Wednesday’s matinee or Thursday’s evening performance.