Term 6
Welcome back, we hope you have all had a lovely Half Term break. We can’t believe we have made it to Term 6!
Our focus book for this term is ‘Varjak Paw’ a novel by S.F Said. Much of our Guided Reading sessions will be based around this text. In English, the children will be writing poetry. In Maths this term, the Year 4’s will start the term completing their Times Table Check. Then we will be learning a variety of units across Year 3/4, including: fractions, decimals, time, money, shape and statistics.
Our History work will continue to be based around the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived. We will continue to explore the question ‘How Did the Ancient Egyptians Leave their Mark?’ Again we suggest that maybe you and your child could visit the library or do some research online to support their learning.
In DT we are going to do some sewing and looking at fastenings – we will be having another DT Day to get stuck in with this. The children will continue to learn to play the recorder/J-Sax with Mrs Farnell in music.
In Science the children will be learning about States of Matter. This will see us working scientifically to determine the different states of matter and their properties and processes.