Term 5
Our focus book for this term is ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ a novel by Roald Dahl. Much of our Guided Reading sessions will be based around this text. In English, the children will be writing newspaper reports and descriptions based on the story. In Maths this term, there will be work on measuring, fractions and money. Any help you could give your child to learn the times tables facts (to 12 x 12) would be very much appreciated, especially as the Year 4 children have a times tables assessment in June. Our History work will be based around the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived. Maybe you and your child could visit the library or do some research online to support their learning. In DT, we are going to be making slingshot cars – due to the production we ran out of time to do this last term so we are having a DT Day to complete these. The children will continue to learn to play the recorder/J-Sax with Mrs Farnell in music. In Science, the children will be learning about Light and Dark. They will be exploring how we see and how light travels and is reflected.