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Term 3​​​​​​​

This term:

In Literacy:

We are looking at the books, ‘Bedtime for Monsters by Ed Vere’ and ‘Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max where we will be thinking and talking confidently about responses to a book, asking questions and making connections with their own experiences. We will be exploring the text through collaborative play; role play and storytelling.

We will continue to follow the Sounds Write phonics programme. They will be learning some new sounds and working on their consolidation of the ones already learnt. We will also continue to blend and segment these sounds to read and write words. The children will really benefit from practising this skill at home by completing the fortnightly homework activity and regular reading. Weekly, the children will be provided with opportunities for free and structured writing. 

In Mathematics:

This term we will be exploring the composition of numbers 6 to 10. We will continue to encourage the children to subitise numbers to 10; recognising amounts of objects without counting. We will also be connecting quantities and numbers to finger patterns and explore different ways of representing numbers on our fingers. We will finish the term by developing our knowledge of special reasoning through looking at different patterns.

Look what we've been up to in Owls 

Week 1 -

It has been lovely to see all the children coming back to school with such a positive attitude to their learning. In Understanding the World, we have started our new topic on space and have learnt about a few famous astronauts. In Literacy, we have been looking at our new book ‘Bedtime for Monsters’. We have had great fun designing our own monsters and making escape plans and signs to scare monsters away. In Maths, we have been practising counting forwards and backwards to 20 and our 1:1 correspondences to 10 and 20.