Term 2
We have begun Term 2 with lots of exciting learning opportunities and lots of smiles! This term, we will be reading The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie. The story is a fantasy fiction story that explores themes of mystery with the Emporium in the story being able to appear at any time and any place in the world. The children have really enjoyed the beginning of the story and are intrigued to see what happens in the rest!
This term we will be exploring some exciting topics. In DT, we will be learning about the Make Do and Mend scheme that was encouraged by the government during World War II. During this topic, the children will be making a 'Make Do and Mend' styled item from used materials. They will explore different stitches, fabrics and patterns to help create their final designs. Later in the term we will be moving onto a Science unit: animals and their habitats. We will be investigating life cycles of different plants and animals and researching significant figures who have contributed to scientific discovery including Jane Goodall and David Attenborough.
Week 5:
It has been another busy week in Falcon Kestrel and Osprey. This week in English, we have been studying how suspense is created in writing through different sentence structures and other techniques. We have been writing our 'Hot Tasks', incorporating as many of these stylistic devices as possible. In Maths, we have been looking at informal methods for multiplication and problem solving. We have continued work on our 'Make Do and Mend' project, which the children have enjoyed.
Week 4:
This week has been another busy week in year 5/6. In our DT ‘Make Do and Mend Unit’, we have continued to work on our projects, developing a range of skills: practising various stitches, creating templates for our designs and starting to make our toys or cushions. In English, we have been planning a suspense piece of writing in which Daniel explores a new Wonder in the Nowhere Emporium. In Maths, year 5 have been investigating and comparing area and year 6 have been working on formal methods for calculations.
Week 3:
This week in Year 5 and 6 we have been making a start on our ‘Make do and Mend’ unit of Design and Technology. We have been taking apart existing textile products to see how they are made up of different components. We have looked at different materials and started to design our own stuffed toy or cushion for a particular target audience. We have found out about different types of stitch for either joining or decorating, and we have practised using these. To recognise UK Parliament Week, we have explored the role of Parliament and thought about what our key priorities would be.
Week 2:
It has been another busy week in year 5 and 6. We started the week off with our first Outdoor Learning Day, working alongside Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. As well as honing our forest school skills with den building and bug hunting, we also worked in groups to build a ‘Tip Tap’ – a simple but effective structure to wash hands. We had to lash canes together to create a structure and think about how we could tip the water container using a foot peddle. It was great fun and brilliant to see the children using different sets of skills. We also brought our LIONS ROAR project to a close by presenting our ideas to our peers. Congratulations to Lulu, Sara and Layla - the winning group, with their innovative whiteboard pen, will be presenting their idea in a National final in December.
Week 1:
We've had a great start to a new term in Year 5/6. We have begun reading our new guided reading text, The Nowhere Emporium. We're very excited by the mysterious emporium in the story and can't wait to find out what's inside. In English, we have been looking at descriptive narratives that build suspense and trying to use techniques to keep our readers hooked. In Maths, we have been continuing our learning based on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Maybe your child could show you their understanding of these methods at home. In the afternoon this week, we have been taking part in the Lion's ROAR innovative project where the children have been set the challenge to create a 'World Changing Idea'. This project has challenged the children to think of a problem and create a solution that can be marketed and created into an item that could be bought. We've had many great ideas from the children! A few include: refillable pens that have pen lids with detector sensors (so they never get lost!), a toothbrush dispenser that encourages young children to brush their teeth and a system that helps children beat boredom by giving them suggestions of something different to do. We're looking forward to the final presentations of these new inventions on Tuesday next week.