Welcome to Swift class page. We are a hard working Year 3/4 class. Our teacher is Mrs Aland and our teaching assistant is Mrs Frost.
We will have PE on Monday and Wednesdays. The children should ensure their PE kit is in school on these days, they are welcome to leave their kit in school on their peg. The school PE kit is black joggers or shorts, a plain T-shirt that is their school team colour (Earth - green, Fire - red, Wind - yellow, Water - blue) and their Paxcroft school jumper, a Paxcroft hoodie or a dark sweatshirt.
On a Wednesday morning, Mrs Edwards will take the class whilst Mrs Aland has planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time.
Home Learning
The children all have individual spelling lists to learn. Please could you help them to learn these. The children will be tested on these each week. More details can be found in their spelling folders. Please ensure that spelling folders are in school every Friday. Please hear your child read as often as possible and write in their reading record book, this could earn them housepoints and other rewards! Could reading books please be in school every day. Please could you also practise times tables with your children at home.
Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if you have any problems. Alternatively, please email the office admin@paxcroft.wilts.sch.uk
Recommended Reads - Year 3
Recommended Books
Top Marks
Fun maths games to aid your child's learning.
Spelling Frame
An interactive spelling programme to help aid your child's spelling. All children have been given log on details to access this from home.
Times Tables Rockstars
A fun website to enable children to learn their times tables. All children have been given log on details to access the site at home.