Role of the Governing Body
At Paxcroft Primary School, we have a supportive Governing Body that is committed to the continuous improvement and progress of the school. They make a significant personal contribution to the school in terms of time and effort and work in partnership with the Headteacher and staff; providing support and constructive challenge in order to achieve the best possible education for all Paxcroft pupils.
The Governing Body has general responsibility for the strategic management of the school but does not take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school - that is the function of the Headteacher. The work of the Governing Body has a direct effect on the education and wellbeing of the pupils and can assist in improving standards throughout the school.
The Full Governing Body (FGB) meet four times a year and the two sub-committees (The Staffing, Curriculum & Children Committee (SCC) and the Finance & Premises Committee (F&P)) meet once a term. The Committees report back to the Full Governing Body.
Currently, we also have two Working Parties; the Strategic Planning Working Party (SPWP) and the School Dinner Working Party (SDWP). The SPWP looks at the long term planning of the school and discusses the strategic direction of the school; part of this role is to help keep the school up to date with the requirements for Ofsted inspections and to evaluation the work of the Governing Body. The SDWP looks at the National Nutritional Standards for School Food and ensures that the school is in compliance.
If you would like to find out more about the role of a school governor at Paxcroft or would be interested in joining the Governing Body please, contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.
We currently have two vacancies for Partnership Governors. They are usually members of the community served by the school who are committed to the success of the school. Parents of pupils currently at the school, County Councillors, or employees of the LA may not be appointed as partnership governors.
Business or Pecuniary Interests
The business/pecuniary interests of governors are checked at each FGB meeting or when something relevant is discussed. Currently, there are not any businesses or pecuniary interests to record.
Instrument of Government: - The constitution of the Governing Body (reconstituted in January, 2013):
Category of Governor |
Maximum Number |
Headteacher |
1 |
Parent Governors |
10 |
Teaching Staff Governor |
1 |
Partnership Governors |
2 |
LA Governor |
1 |
Co-opted Governors |
3 |
Total |
What we do?
Together with the Headteacher we are responsible for making sure our school provides a good quality education for its pupils.
We provide challenge and support to the Headteacher, drawing on our knowledge and experience.
We make decisions together on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and school development plans.
We monitor the impact of policies and oversee school budgets and staffing.
We report on school achievements and respond to inspection recommendations.
We hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
We ask searching questions and respect the position of the Headteacher as the professional leader of the school.
The Staffing & Curriculum Committee
Monitor and review the delivery of the curriculum.
Monitor pupil attainment targets.
Monitor and review the effectiveness of the School Development Plan.
Monitor safeguarding procedures.
Formulate and review the school policies.
Assist in the appointment of staff and monitor staff development.
The Finance & Premises Committee
Monitor the school budget.
Monitor and review staff pay and other expenditure.
Monitor the maintenance of the school buildings and grounds.
Monitor and review the school Health & Safety procedures and policies.