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WB 17.07.23

Wow! It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of the year already! Where did that time go? It has been another busy last week in Year 3 and 4, starting with a visitor from Trowbridge Library who came to tell the children about the ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ a separate letter has been sent to you about this. We would love to hear that as many children as possible participate in the challenge over the summer. On Monday afternoon, we watched the amazing Year 5/6 production of Aladdin – what a treat! We have been creating our own fantasylands and writing persuasive texts trying to persuade people to visit them. On Tuesday, we were treated again, this time to a music concert by Mrs Farnell and her music students, which was great. On Wednesday, we had lessons with Active Trowbridge learning how to throw Frisbees and playing dodgeball. It was great fun! We are all looking forward to the summer break and wish you all a happy holiday. See you all again in September!