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Term 5

Welcome back to a brand-new term!We hope you had a very restful Easter break. Term 5 promises to be another busy term full of exciting learning opportunities.


Our History topic this term is entitled ‘Britain since the 1950s. ’The children will learn how Britain has changed in many significant ways since the end of the Second World War.  We will be looking at each decade in turn, examining a range of social changes and contrasting these with today’s Britain. We will also study the fashions, music and popular entertainment of each decade. The children will learn how Britain used to have an Empire and how the Commonwealth developed. We will also learn about the Windrush generation and why this is significant. In Geography, we will compare and contrast Trowbridge, Bath and Bristol’s development. 

In Art, we will complete a unit entitled ‘Make my voice heard’. This is a Drawing Unit, in which the children will look at how artists convey a message. We will explore imagery, symbols, expressive mark making and ‘chiaroscuro’. Our children will consider audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard.

Our English this term will be based on the book, Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho Yen, which is an interesting narrative that conveys a moral warning. We will be exploring differing literary techniques and more complex narrative storylines. Based on the text, we will be writing a short narrative in a similar style. Our non-fiction writing will be to persuade or warn about an issue.


During the week commencing 13th May, children in Year 6 will be carrying out their End of Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). The children have worked very hard throughout their time at Paxcroft and in particular, this year, to ensure they are well-prepared for these and we hope that they now feel ready to go into these with confidence. We are very proud of all their efforts and know they will give it their all.

The SATs week timetable is as follows:


Monday 13th May

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test

Tuesday 14th May

Reading Test

Wednesday 15th May

Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic

Maths paper 2 – Reasoning

Thursday 16th May

Maths paper 3 - Reasoning


As we shared last term, we will be looking for opportunities to split Year 6 and Year 5 in the run-up to SATs to do some SATs revision.

 During SATs week, we will be providing a SATs breakfast for the Year 6 children. More information about this will follow.

During the week, the Year 5 children will be partaking in a week-long stand-alone project.

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