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Term 4


This term:

In English we are looking at the texts:

  • Little Red and the very Hungry Lion
  • Meerkat Mail

We will look at narrative using the Talk for Writing approach and recap non-chronological reports.

In Mathematics:

Year 1's are learning about Numbers to 20, Shape and Addition and Subtraction within 20.

Year 2’s are learning about Shape and Multiplication and Division.

Our overall topic this term will be ‘Brunel’s Britain’

Foundation Subjects

This term we are covering the subjects; Science, DT, History, Religious Education (RE), Music, PE, PSHE and Computing. 

In History, we are looking at Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his influence on Britain. We will find out when he lived, what life was like at the time and why Brunel is a significant historical figure. Also, we will learn about the landmarks in Bristol that he designed; the Clifton Suspension Bridge and Temple Meads Railway Station as well as Brunel’s links to transport with the Great Western Railway and the SS Great Britain.

In Science, we will continue to look at seasonal changes (particularly winter into spring) and the weather.


In DT, we will be focusing on textiles and will be making a puppet.


In RE, we are looking at the question ‘Why do Christians love to tell stories about Jesus?’


In Music, we are looking at the musical elements of beat through the topics of ‘Our Bodies’ and ‘Pattern’.

In Computing, we are focusing on programming quizzes using ScratchJr.

In Physical Education (PE), we are looking at ball skills used in the game of Netball and using ‘Jasmine PE’ we will investigate the ‘Creative’ skill element and focus on coordination with ball skills and counter balance with a partner.

In PSHE, our work will be based around the topic ‘Healthy Me’.

Week 1

We have had a great first week back in Nightingale Class. It has been lovely to see the children so refreshed. In English, we started our new book ‘Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion’ by Alex T Smith. We have learnt the story using the Talk for Writing approach with actions. In Maths, Year 1’s have continued to look at place value to 20 and Year 2’s have been solving addition and subtraction word problems. We also started our History topic of ‘Brunel’s Britain’, where we learnt about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and why he was an inspirational person. In PSHE, we looked at how we can be healthy and learnt a healthy sum to help remind us of the 5 ways. In Computing, we continued to use the App 'Scratch Jnr' and we made a sequence of commands and then ran the program we had created.

Week 2

This week in Nightingale we have been continuing to learn about Brunel and why he was important. We looked at the things Brunel designed; such as Bristol Temple Meads and Box Tunnel. In English, we have been using adjectives to describe and conjunctions to join sentences together. In PSHE, we have been looking at what we could do more often and less often to be healthier. We finished the week with a wonderful World Book Day dress up, the children’s costumes were amazing and it was so lovely to hear and share their favourite stories.

Week 3

This week we started the week with RE day where we answered the question ‘Why do Christians love the stories of Jesus?’ We looked at a range of stories such as the parables of  'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man' and 'The Prodigal Son' and we discussed the lesson Jesus was trying to teach through these stories. In English, we have been planning our own stories based on our class text. We are excited to write them next week. In Maths, Year 1’s have been finished off the Place Value to 20 unit and Year 2’s have been finishing off the Addition and Subtraction unit. We have also been looking at keeping a steady beat in Music and had a go at performing a beat using our body as the percussion instrument.

Week 4

This week in Nightingale we have been writing our own narratives based on our class text. We are impressed with the effort the children have put in. We enjoyed sharing our finished stories with our friends. The Year 2’s have also been learning how to edit their writing to make it more exciting. In PSHE, we have continued to look at being healthy and we have discussed road safety. We ended the week by raising money for Comic Relief by dressing up in red. We all thoroughly enjoyed watching the teachers get their face painted in assembly!

Week 5

Last Tuesday,  Nightingale loved taking part in Outdoor Learning Day. We learnt all about signs of spring, looked at birds’ nests, played catch the tiger and built dens in the Forest School area. In English, we read our new text Meerkat Mail and have been learning about the features of Non-chronological reports. We also learnt about regular and irregular verbs and how we use them in the past tense. In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been naming and sorting them, whilst using the technical vocabulary such as vertices and edges. In DT, we have been doing a sewing project where we have sewn and decorated our own hand puppet. We are very impressed with how resilient the children have been with completing something they had not tried before.

Week 6

This week in Nightingale we have been writing Non-Chronological reports on Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We were impressed with the children who remembered to use all the features in their writing. In Maths, we started our learning on the unit Multiplication and Division by looking at how we could recognise and make equal groups. We have been very creative this week in our topic as we have been recreating Brunel’s designs in different ways. In Guided Reading, we finished reading the story of 'The Owl who was afraid of the Dark' and wrote our own book reviews on it. We then finished off the week with an Easter egg hunt. We hope all the children have a lovely relaxing Easter break!