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Term 1

This term:

This term- 

In English

We are looking at the books:

  • The Hugasaurus
  • Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs go to school. 
  • Tyrannosaurs Drip
  • Mad About Dinosaurs
  • Dinosaurs Love Underpants
  • Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs say "Raahhh"

We are starting our Sounds write journey where we are learning to recognise letter sounds and blend and segment these to read and write words.

We are also practising recognising and writing our own names.

In Mathematics:

We are learning to subitise; recognise small amounts without counting. Our catchphrase is "We use our eyes to subitise". 

Look what we've been up to in Owls Class 

Week 1 - 

This week has been a very exciting week for Owl’s class as we have had our first day in school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and meeting some new friends. At the start of the week the adults thoroughly enjoyed visiting the children in their homes and getting to see all of their toys. We thank all parents for being so welcoming as we feel this is such a good experience for the children.

Week 2-

This week in Owls Class a dinosaur visited and left a terrible mess in the classroom! The children were very excited to find footprints and upturned tables in the classroom and the area sectioned off. The children were even more excited to watch a video from a ‘security camera’ that had caught the dinosaur in action making the mess. The children have also been learning to recognise and write their own names and creating their own dinosaur stories which they have illustrated.

Week 3 -

This week in Owls class we have shared our first reading book with the adults and our grownups at home. We have been trying hard with our story telling and expanding our imaginations. In Literacy, we have been practising to write our names and hold our pencils correctly. In Maths, we have been learning to subitise the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have also been making construction dinosaurs in Expressive Arts and Design and learning how to use the interactive whiteboard to complete Andy’s dinosaur puzzle in Understanding the World.

Week 4 -

This week in Owls Class we’ve enjoyed playing in a different outside area as the building of our new play area has started. The children have enjoyed watching the progress from the window! The children have been learning new sounds during our Sounds Write sessions and have been practising writing initial symbols from the sounds they have learnt and naming dinosaurs they have created using paint and paper plates during our expressive arts session.

Week 5 - 

This week in Owls class we have been describing the dinosaurs using adjectives in Literacy. We were very impressed with how most of the children could hear initial sounds and some even had a go at writing them. In maths we have been looking at how we can count carefully and recognise different objects of groups of 3 and 4. In Expressive Arts and Design we pretended to be dinosaurs and danced around to classical dinosaur music, it was lovely to see all the different interpretations. We also got changed for PE for the first time this week!

Week 6 - 

This week in Owls class we’ve finally said goodbye to the builders and hello to our new outside area which we have enjoyed watching from the window! We have been outside to collect conkers and fallen leaves for our Autumn table and the children have enjoyed looking and feeling the different-sized pumpkins we have on display and creating still life drawings of them. In literacy, we’ve been clapping out the syllables of our names and the syllables of the names of dinosaurs. In maths, we’ve been enjoying games of 1-3 bingo in pairs. We’re progressing steadily in our handwriting sessions and have enjoyed practising our letter formation in the sand.

Week 7 - 

We have completed our first term at school! 

In Art we have been making pumpkin pictures using tin foil to print. In English we have been looking at rhyme, the naughty dinosaur would eat anything as long as the children said the sounds and read the word first. In maths we have been comparing, we learnt the new vocabulary 'more' and 'less'.