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We would like to welcome you all back and hope that your summer was restful and enjoyable. We would like to take this opportunity to explain routines and expectations of Lower Key Stage Two. We are already seeing fantastic learning attitudes from the children and we are excited to see everyone reach their full potential throughout the year.


This term our topic work will be based around the subject of ‘Trailblazers’.  The children will be learning about a variety of inspirational people and we will be encouraging them to talk about people that inspire them.  Examples of people we will be looking at are Helen Keller, Ellie Simmonds, Rose Ayling-Ellis, David Attenborough and Malala Yousafzai.

Home Learning

It is essential that the children are completing home learning tasks in order to consolidate their learning. Spellings will be sent home on a Monday to be tested the following Friday. We recommend that the children spend a short amount of time each day practising these. This term, we are also sending out some optional home learning challenges for the children to further their engagement with our topic. Children can pick one or two activities and there will be an opportunity to bring in and share towards the end of the term.

The following is a guide to what you could do to help support your child with their learning.



Regular reading both independently and with an adult/older sibling.

Maths/ number facts/ times tables practice.


Spellings- Homework task set each Monday due in for the following Friday.



It is imperative that your child reads at home. Please could you record any reading in their Reading Record book.  We will be encouraging the children to take part in weekly ‘Reading Challenges’ to earn rewards of House Points, Merits and they might even make it into the ‘Book of Brilliance’. 

Personal Belongings

The children do not need to bring in any stationery into school as this is provided in classes. Each child needs to bring in their reading book in a PACT folder/bag every day so we can read with them as much as possible in school. If your child finishes their reading book, please let us know by communicating this in the homework diary so we can provide them with a new book. Children should bring in a bottle of water that has a sports cap on top. Snacks are not provided in KS2; the children are welcome to bring in their own.  This can be a piece of fruit or vegetables.  Please name any water bottles or snack pots that the children bring in as well as all items of clothing – especially sweatshirts.

Beginning and End of the Day

Children should be dropped in the slow playground and should enter their classrooms through the outside doors to that lead directly into their rooms. At the end of the day, all Year 3/4 children will be dismissed onto the slow playground, unless you have made other arrangements with your child. Can we please ask parents not to come along the side walkway as this can become quite congested at the beginning and end of the day. 

PE Kit

PE sessions will be held on the days stated below; however, there will be occasions where we will need to be flexible so please ensure your child has their PE kit available in school every day.   PE kit should consist of black shorts or jogging bottoms, their house coloured plain t-shirt and their school jumper.  Please name all items of clothing.

Swift – Monday and Wednesday

Skylark – Monday and Wednesday

Housemartin – Monday and Friday

Planning time

Each week, the teachers in our phase have planning and preparation time, which they complete out of class. This will be on the following days, with the following cover arrangements:

Swift – Wednesday morning, covered by Mrs Edwards

Housemartin – Wednesday morning, covered by Mrs Frost and Mrs Gunning

Skylark –  Tuesday morning, covered by Mrs Pepler

As one of our learner’s values, we are working hard to help develop the children’s independence. Therefore, we ask that you support this by encouraging your child to take charge of their belongings, homework and communicating key messages with us.  We hope by encouraging and supporting this independence, we will create children who take responsibility for their own learning. We appreciate there are times when you will want to contact us directly, instead of through your child. Important messages can be communicated via email to the office or please feel free to pop in and see us;  we hold an open door policy and are more than happy to arrange a convenient time to meet.

Kind regards

Mrs Aland – Swift
Miss Wyatt – Skylark
Miss Parkes - Housemartin