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Paxpost updates​​​​​​​


This week has been the launch of our new topic on Minibeasts. On Monday we had a look at some pictures and the children got a chance to share what they knew already about minibeasts. This excited the children so much that it prompted their very own minibeast hunt in our outside area! Who knew there were so many creepy crawlies living in our garden! We have started to retell the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar using actions. We had a go at making our own very colourful puppets from the story and printed some caterpillars using tubes and paint. In Maths we have been learning to find 1 more and 1 less than a number up to 10.


This week the children have been practising the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ using actions to help them remember. They have also drawn their own story maps to help with this. The children have looked at the lifecycle of the butterfly and have created their own using pasta! It was lovely to see the children dressed up for World Book Day and the children loved parading their costumes in front of the school. We also went to visit the school library which had been turned into Narnia. We had to climb through the wardrobe to get in there.


The children have been busy this week writing the beginning of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar story’. They have been putting what they have been learning in their Sounds Write sessions into practice, writing their own sentences. We were really impressed with their hard work.  The children had a lovely treat on Wednesday (as well as the arrival of snow!) when they got to prepare and eat a delicious fruit salad using many of the fruits from the story. They have been exploring the word symmetrical and creating their own symmetrical butterflies using paint. In Maths we have been looking at the number 7 and what numbers can be found within that i.e. 5 and 2, 4 and 3. We have been taking about the whole (7) and its parts (6 and 1).


Although it has been a shorter week the children have still been involved in lots of learning. They have been continuing with their writing of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar story’. This week concentrating on what happened in the middle of the story. It art the children had a go at observational drawings of daffodils and tulips and created some great pictures. In Maths we have been looking at doubling and recognising when 2 sets have an equal number. The children have been identifying that the ‘whole’ is made by two EQUAL PARTS. They have been using a sentence stem to embed this. Eg 6 is made of 3 and 3. Finally we ended the week with Red Nose Day fun.


This week we had a visit from Tropical Animal Discovery. We got to meet a range of different creatures. We asked lots of great questions and learnt so much. We met glow in the dark scorpions, listened to hissing cockroaches and high fived a tarantula!  We were all very brave, including the teachers! Also during the week Mrs Gunning showed us some frogspawn from our school pond. We have loved observing it and cannot wait to see what happens to it!