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This week has been a super short week but an exciting week! The children visited their new classes on Tuesday and they have all come back really cheery and looking forward to September. In Maths, we have been looking at the composition of the number 6-10. We have been looking at finding 5 and a bit to make the numbers. We have been using the number stem; 8 is made of 5 and 3, 5 and 3 makes 8. In English, we have been continuing with our own fact files. This week it has been based on tigers.


This week in reception we have been working hard on our number bonds to 5. We have been using the rekenreks to find ways of making 5. We have been having lots of fun taking part in running races on the field as we prepare for sports day. In English, we have been writing our own fact files about monkeys. We have learnt a funny song about jungle animals with actions. There has been lots of elephant activities in our continuous provision this week, we have been threading pasta on to pipe cleaners to make our own trunks. We have decorated Elmer using collage materials and had a go at labelling elephants in the writing area.


This week we have been ‘monkeying’ around! We have enjoyed listening to the story Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson and learning all about monkeys from non-fiction books.  In maths, we have been recapping number patterns focussing on doubles and odd and even numbers. The children have been inventing their own verses for the song ‘Daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow’. I wonder if they can sing it too you! We have also been continuing to learn our country dance for the Summer Fayre.


We have had a lot of fun this week! We have been learning all about lions and creating our own fact files about them. We have learnt to sing ‘Daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow’ in music. We have been up on the field taking part in some egg and spoon races to get ready for sports day. We have also started to learn the Pat-a-Cake Polka, which is a country dance. We are going to be performing this at the Summer Fayre in July. There has been a lot of independent writing going on this week which is wonderful to see! In Maths we have been working on counting to 20 and in our topic sessions we have learnt about animal habitats.