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Welcome to Osprey's class page. We are a mixed Year 5/6 class who are taught by our class teacher Mrs Dennett and supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Cook.  

We are very excited for a new school year and to get stuck into our learning! Thank you to all of the parents that attended our transition meeting at the beginning of the term.  We will be updating our pages regularly with pictures and key messages so keep checking back. 

We really value all the support parents can put in at home to support children's learning. We cannot stress enough how important it is to read regularly with your child. We encourage children to come to the library and select books to inspire their love of reading. The library is open after school on a Tuesday and Thursday. We encourage parents and carers to write in their child's homework diary so we can help support reading at school. Please see the below links to the recommended reads website, where you can browse more age related books. The children can also support their learning at home through using Mathletics and TT Rockstars for their maths learning and SpellingFrame for their spelling homework.