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We are delighted to welcome you to Kestrel Class page where you can see what we have been up to in the classroom. We are a mixed year 5 and 6 class. We are taught by Mrs Rigby and are supported in our learning by Mrs Evans and Mrs Frost. We are an enthusiastic and curious class who love learning so take a look at our termly pages to see what we have been up to. 

During our planning time on a Tuesday morning, Kestrel class will be taught by Miss Wyatt.


Kestrel Class will have PE on a Monday and Thursday and should bring their PE kit to school on these days to change in to; however, in order to allow flexibility in the timetable, please ensure PE kits are brought in to school everyday. PE kit consists of black joggers/shorts, a plain T shirt in their house colour and their Paxcroft jumper. Paxcroft hoodies are also available to buy for PE and other outdoor activities.


Weekly updates

WB 5-06-23

  • Term starts for all children on Monday 5th June
  • Mill on the Brue 7th - 9th June

I hugely appreciate the support you give your child in their learning and wholeheartedly believe that reading is at the heart of your child's learning. Please find below the recommended reading lists for year 5 and 6 or visit our English Curriculum page for advice on how to support your child further in their reading. 

Children have been issued with a green homework diary where they can keep a record of reading or other activities they have done at home. All children have been given their Spellingframe and TT Rockstars logins for additional practice.