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The week was kicked off with our ‘Hello Yellow’ themed day, which gave us the opportunity to consider the importance of mental health. We completed plenty of exciting activities and the children had time to slow down and reflect. We have started to conclude our instructional text learning in English and begun an addition and subtraction unit in Maths. We have continued our exciting volcano learning throughout the week and the children have really enjoyed finding out about tectonic plates and different features of a volcano. The children’s creations for space week were truly out of this world! Everyone went above and beyond and hit the brief with exceptional effort and creativity. The children should be extremely proud of their work and we thank you for helping them achieve excellence! Well done year 3 and 4 - a great demonstration of what we can do!

Hello Yellow…raising awareness of children’s mental health

On Monday, the children and staff at Paxcroft dressed in yellow to celebrate ‘World Mental Health Day’. We started the day with an assembly where we talked about mental health and what it means to us. The children then carried out a variety of activities in their classes throughout the day to raise awareness of mental health and how we can help ourselves and each other.

Here are some of the things the children said when asked about their day and what it was all about:

“To show people they are not alone”

“I liked listening to Mrs Rhodes talk about feelings”

“I think mental health is when you are uncomfortable or upset but you don’t want to show it”

“I can talk to people if they are sad and If I’m sad, I can talk to someone as well”

As a school, we have raised a fantastic £231 for the charity Young Minds.

Well done and thank you all for your support.